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7 Skin care Series for Oily and Acne Skin


Guaranteed skin to be cleaner and healthier!

Choosing the right skincare for oily and acne prone skin is tricky. If you have found the right skincare, the benefits will also be maximum.

However, if you choose the wrong skincare product, it can be dangerous for skin health.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association, the main key to treating oily and acne-prone skin is to stay gentle on the skin.

You do this by choosing skincare for oily and acne skin that is gentle and free of alcohol or fragrances.

Avoid using products that can irritate the skin, as they can exacerbate existing pimples and exfoliate the skin.

In addition, don't wash your face too often, just do it twice a day.

Skincare Series for Oily and Acne Skin

Well, if Moms are still confused about choosing skincare for oily and acne-prone skin, then some of these steps need to be considered.

1. Use a gentle foaming facial cleanser

A simple way to maintain oily skin is to clean your face regularly. Wash your face twice a day, both morning and night.

Skincare for oily and acne prone skin that must be considered is the selection of facial soap. Use a face wash that has a cream or lotion texture, and has a soft foam.

The foaming cleanser works better at removing excess oil and leaving your skin feeling fresh and clean.

When you are doing activities that sweat excessively, such as exercising or doing outdoor activities, always remember to clean your face immediately.

This is because sweat can irritate existing pimples and increase the risk of new pimples.

Things to note, don't wash your face too often. Cleaning your face too often can irritate the skin.

Acne is not caused by an oily or dirty face, so washing your face too often is also not recommended.

That is the first and important stage of skincare for oily and acne-prone skin to understand.

2. Using an Exfoliating Toner

Toner is a skincare for oily and acne-prone skin that is often forgotten, even though it has an important function, you know!

Choosing the right toner can balance the pH of the skin and make skin look healthier.

"Toners are usually used for shallower hydration or sometimes just applied to the face for a refreshing cooling effect," said Joy, quoted by New Beauty.

This acid used to remove dead skin cells, block pores, and leave the face clean and radiant. For this reason, toner is an important skincare for owners of oily and acne-prone faces.

There are several types of toners, one of which is exfoliating toner which is said to be able to deep clean pores and control excess oil production on the face.

Well, it turns out that it's good for Moms to also put a schedule to use exfoliating toner, at least 1-2 times a week. What is the goal?

The benefits of exfoliating toner can even out color, help skin retain moisture, accelerate cell turnover, and treat excess oil and acne on the face.

How often you should use exfoliating toner depends on your skin type and condition, plus your daily skin care routine, and the climate you live in.

However, in general, the use of exfoliating toners is good for those who often wear thick makeup, or those with oily skin.

So, skincare for oily and acne prone skin that should be done next is to regularly use an exfoliating toner.

3. Routine Use Moisturizer

Even though your skin is oily, facial moisturizer is still needed. Why is that?

Dehydrated skin is different from dry skin. Oily skin types can also become dehydrated, so they still need a moisturizer.

Oily skin needs to be well hydrated to keep the dermis working and looking healthy.

Well, the right level of hydration in the skin is very important to maintain optimal function and perform cell regeneration properly.

Skincare for oily and acne-prone skin that you can try next is to choose a moisturizer that is water or gel based, oil free, fragrance free, and non-comedogenic.

The goal is to moisturize the skin without clogging facial pores or leaving a heavy and oily feeling on the face.

In addition, keeping the face well hydrated also requires care from within. You do this by regularly drinking water and having a balanced diet.

Water is important for hydrating the skin as it helps flush out toxins in the body and keeps the body well hydrated.

Drink water to help keep skin clean and healthy. A combination of poor diet, dehydration, and excess oil production can make your skin look dull more easily, and increase the risk of blackheads and pimples.

4. SPF, SPF, and SPF!

There are still many who don't care about using sunscreen, even though it's very important, you know, Moms!

The next skincare for oily and acne prone skin you should do is wear a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 or more.

Some Moms may feel hesitant to use sunscreen for fear of getting oily skin. In fact, Moms must need the right choice of sunscreen.

Currently, there are many sunscreen or sunblock formulations that are oil-free and non-comedogenic.

In addition, the right type of sunscreen for oily and acne-prone skin is in the form of a lotion.

The sunscreen in it contains the active ingredient zinc oxide or titanium dioxide which is proven to prevent acne.

Remember, the use of sunscreen is important to protect the skin from exposure to UVA and UVB rays which can have a negative impact in the future.

Regularly wearing sunscreen will keep your skin healthy, prevent premature aging, and prevent the risk of skin cancer in the future.

For this reason, sunscreen is a must-have skincare for oily and acne-prone skin.

5. Using a facial serum

As Moms get older, the skincare they need is no longer just moisturizer and face wash.

It is time for Moms to use a facial serum as a skincare for oily and acne-prone skin.

Well, of course Moms don't use a facial serum carelessly, but must have a certain concentration of ingredients.

For that, it's good for Moms not only to follow friends or idol beauty vloggers / influencers when choosing a facial serum product.

Moms must understand the ingredients contained in skincare products before buying them. Understand and determine whether it suits the needs of each skin.

For those of you whose skin is prone to acne, choose a facial serum that contains benzyl peroxide to help regulate oil production during the day while reducing redness and inflammation.

You can also choose a retinol serum to keep your skin healthy and clean at night.

Facial serum containing niacinamide can also be a skincare for oily and acne-prone skin.

Niacinamide is a powerful antioxidant for the skin and helps prevent facial pores from enlarging, while calming the skin and preventing premature aging.

6. Using Oil Paper

There are times when oil production on the face is not controlled and you must continue your outdoor activities.

This is really uncomfortable, huh! Well, it turns out that the use of blotting paper can be a skincare for oily and acne-prone skin. Why is that?

Oil paper is easy to carry and use. Moms simply apply to oily facial areas, such as forehead, nose and chin. Avoid rubbing the skin with a piece of wax paper.

It is enough to press into the oily area of ​​the face until it is absorbed, usually 15-20 seconds. After that, the skin will be free from excess oil.

7. Wear a mud mask or clay mask

There are many types of face masks that are tailored to the needs of the skin.

Well, skincare for oily and acne prone skin can use a clay mask or a mud mask (mud mask).

These two types of masks can control oil production on the face, prevent acne breakouts, and deep clean facial pores.

A study in the Journal of Cosmetic Science revealed that mud masks have a high mineral content and can stimulate blood circulation and clean dead skin cells.

Use a clay mask or mud mask regularly 2-3 times a week.

That's the skincare for oily and acne prone skin that Moms can try. Always take good care of your skin to avoid blackheads and severe acne inflammation, yes!

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