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9 Benefits of Honey for Skin and Beauty, Listen!

You must have tried various homemade facial mask recipes for your face with various natural ingredients such as oatmeal, banana, avocado, and other fruits.

However, the end result can be just chaos and heaps of disappointment.

But don't give up on homemade skin care just yet, because it turns out that ancient natural ingredients like honey are the ones that can actually be ingredients for very simple beauty treatments.

Honey is a thick, sticky and sweet liquid that is produced and stored by bees in the hive.

In its natural form, honey is produced by the activity of enzymes, plant materials, and live bacteria that combine to create a strong material with hundreds of practical uses.

This unique process in making honey makes it very meaningful for cosmetic purposes, such as clearing acne, healing scars, and removing skin color.

No wonder there are various benefits of honey for the skin.

Mona Gohara, MD, clinical professor at Yale Department of Dermatology, revealed that honey has natural healing properties, especially for wound healing.

"The benefits of honey is an important role for collagen-building so that it can make it a great anti-aging," he said as quoted from womenshealthmagz.com.

Kim Wallace, founder of the natural beauty and lifestyle website kimberlyloc.com, said raw honey is a natural ingredient with extraordinary benefits for the skin because it has antibacterial and antioxidant properties that can save the skin.

"If you are looking for a home recipe solution for skincare that is cheap and really provides benefits, then raw honey can help your skin glow again," he said as quoted from sheknown.com.

Check out more about the benefits of honey for the following skin, Moms.

Benefits of Honey for Beauty

The following are the benefits of honey for facial beauty that Moms can see and prove by trying it out directly.

1. Honey for Acne and Eczema Skin

There are benefits of honey for the skin if there is a bad enough condition.

You can use it as a medicine by dropping it on the acne spots or making a face mask by leaving it on for a few minutes.

Another way to use honey for your face is to mix it with other ingredients so that it can become a soothing honey face mask.

The most important thing about using honey to treat this condition is to use unpasteurized honey, such as manuka honey.

The benefit of this type of honey is that it contains healthy bacteria that are effective and can activate the immune system.

Before trying out these benefits of honey for skin, make sure to do a patch test of honey and other ingredients to make sure you don't have an allergic reaction.

2. Honey for Skin Lightening

Talking about the benefits of honey for fair skin, researchers have not found a direct link between using honey on the face and lighter dark spots.

But because honey has exfoliating properties, using it on the face can remove dead skin cells that make skin look dull. This can make the skin brighter.

After washing your face with soap and water, apply manuka honey or unpasteurized raw honey to your face.

If you want, dilute the honey with water so that it doesn't stick and is easier to remove.

Leave the honey on the skin for a few minutes before rinsing it out to see the benefits of honey even more clearly.

3. Honey to Fade Scars

Reporting from the journal entitled Honey: A Therapeutic Agent for Disorders of the Skin, the benefits of honey for the skin can help the body's healing process and can help get rid of acne scars.

You can use honey as a treatment for scars by applying it daily as a paste on the affected area of ​​the skin tissue.

You can also see maximum results if you use a honey face mask as part of your beauty routine as described above.

"Honey has natural antiseptic, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties," says Dendy Engelman, MD, Cosmetic Dermatologist from New York.

4. Softens Chapped Lips

The benefits of honey for lip beauty are its ability, especially the ability of pure honey, which can help treat dry and chapped lips.

You just need to apply a little honey on your lips just before going to bed and leave it on overnight.

Honey will absorb into the skin and make lips smooth and supple when used every day.

However, it would be nice if you contact your doctor first because using honey on your lips and leaving it on overnight can also carry the risk of botulism.

5. Helps Brighten Skin

The benefits of honey for the skin can help whiten it in various ways.

Its antibacterial properties, can relieve inflammation, maintain or protect the skin from germs, and also moisturize the skin.

Combining it with yogurt will make it better and show the benefits of honey for maximum skin.

You only need to mix 1 tablespoon of fresh yogurt with 1 ½ tablespoon of honey.

Apply the mixture on your face and leave it on for 15 minutes. Wash it off with lukewarm water and repeat it every day.

6. Overcoming Dry Skin

In addition, the combination of honey and yogurt can help treat dry and scaly skin. Both of them have antibacterial properties which are very capable of cleansing the skin.

The benefits of honey for the skin, which is rich in antioxidants and humectants, works to increase skin moisture levels.

Mix 1 tablespoon of unsweetened and unsweetened yogurt with 1 tablespoon honey.

Apply the mixture to your face and leave it on for 15 minutes before rinsing it off with warm water.

Apart from brightening skin tone, there are several other benefits of honey for facial skin. Here are the deeper benefits.

7. Exfoliate

You can use a honey mask as a natural exfoliating ingredient so you can get the benefits of honey for your face. It is important to know that all exfoliants should have a rough texture to the skin.

So, the soft texture of honey can be a powerful exfoliating ingredient to remove dead skin cells left on the face.

This happens because of the enzyme content that honey has.

To apply honey on the face and get the benefits of honey for the skin, you can use a scrub or mix it with other ingredients for maximum results.

For Moms with dry skin, mix oats with honey to make a face mask and scrub. Meanwhile, for those who have oily skin, you can mix it with salt flour with honey.

Apply the remedy for three to five minutes while gently massaging the face.

After that, apply a mask for 5 minutes on the face and then say it with water.

8. Moisturizing Facial Skin

As a woman, of course Moms have felt dry facial skin suddenly. This is because the skin loses its natural oils which function to moisturize the skin.

Exposure to dry air and the habit of washing your face using hot water, and exposing facial skin to certain chemicals can also cause the skin to turn dry.

If your skin feels dry, honey can help to moisturize your facial skin.

This is due to the presence of humectant compounds in honey which can treat dry skin.

Well, even for those of you who have oily skin, you can still get the benefits of honey for your face!

This is because honey has a sweetening agent that can help to maintain skin moisture and elasticity.

The benefits of honey for the skin which contains vitamins, minerals, amino acids and anti-oxidants are also known to be able to ward off premature aging, Moms!

In order to get the benefits of honey for skin that can delay premature aging, Moms can use a natural honey mask on the face to leave it on for about 15 to 30 minutes before rinsing it off with water!

9. Overcoming Acne

Applying honey to the face can also relieve inflammation and swelling of acne.

Moms can make honey as a mask and feel a softer face. The reason is, the following recipes can relieve inflammation and acne in one night.

Moms can also take advantage of more of the benefits of honey for the skin by mixing pure honey with enough turmeric powder.

The application of this recipe is effective for curing acne. Apply to face before going to bed and then rinse face in the morning to feel the difference.

Honey is unlikely to cause an allergic reaction in most people.

However, you should use any of these solutions with caution if you have an allergy to pollen, celery and bee venom.

Before trying the above benefits of honey, always test the honey to be used on a small visible area of ​​your skin.

At least with this, Moms can find out if there are allergies that are caused.

Also, make sure to remove honey from your face before going to bed as honey that is left on your face can attract dust and other impurities and this is not recommended.

As long as you don't have allergies, there isn't much reason not to try them!

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